Terms of Business

Terms of Business

Our office and registered business address is Mortgage Market Limited Manor House Farm Jericho Lane East Halton North Lincolnshire DN40 3PZ. We provide a virtual remote service via, telephone, email, post and video conference.  Where requirements are complex, we reserve the right to meet with you “face to face” to confirm and discuss matters.

Financial Services Act

The Key Facts page on our website and the sheet that we will give you when you make an enquiry tells you about our services. It explains the products we are able to recommend, our status and our charging methods. Our Terms of Business explains other aspects of the way we operate and how this affects you, the client. This Terms of Business Letter will be effective from the date of receipt, but may be amended by us following any initial interview intended to ascertain your current financial situation, objectives and attitude to financial risk. Any such amended Terms of Business Letter will be sent to you within 10 working days of that interview. However, irrespective of any amendments arising from such interviews, we reserve the right to amend the terms of this letter without your consent, but we will give you at least 10 business days’ notice before conducting any relevant business, unless we consider it impracticable to do so under circumstances present at that time.

Our Status

Mortgage Market Ltd is an independent private limited company established in 1999 and is registered at Companies House with the Company Registration No. 3758210 with Company’s registered offices at Manor House Farm, Jericho Lane, East Halton, Immingham, North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom DN40 3PZ.  We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Our FCA number is 305559. Our permitted business includes advising on and arranging mortgages and non-investment insurance contracts.  You can check this on FCA's website at  www.fca.org.uk/Firms/Systems-Reporting/Register or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768.
We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and also have professional indemnity insurance. You may be entitled to compensation from the FSCS scheme if we cannot meet our obligations. This depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim. Insurance advising and arranging is covered for 100% of the claim in respect of a relevant omission, without any upper limit. Mortgage advising and arranging is covered for 100% of the first £85,000. Further information about the compensation scheme arrangements is available from the FSCS. We hold a Full Consumer Credit License, Registration No. 475457 and are registered with Information Commissioners Office (ICO) with Data Protection Registration No. Z4732390


We will, if required by you or your agent, supply copies of contract notes and copies of entries in books, records and computerised records relating to you.

Personal Interests

We undertake not to transact business for you in which we or one of our customers or any director/partner/employee has a known interest if we become aware that such interests conflict with yours, unless that interest is first disclosed in writing and your consent obtained.


Normally, we can accept instructions either verbally or in writing by completing the relevant application form and signing the appropriate declaration. Where you have a right to cancel your purchase, the product provider will give you notice of this in writing. Our authority to act on your behalf in accordance with these Terms of Business can be terminated at any time by either side in writing, without prior notice and without penalty. This will be effective from the date the notification is received. However, if transactions already initiated remain outstanding, the notification will only take effect once these have been completed.


As an intermediary, we never own the products you buy or transact though us. All purchases will therefore be registered in the name(s) of the client(s) and we will forward to you all documents showing ownership of your purchases, as soon as it is practicable after we receive them. In some cases, the product provider will send the documentation directly to you.


Our services are specifically geared to providing a telephone or an email or by postal based service. For mortgage and non-investment insurance contracts, we will make a diary note upon completion of your transaction to recontact you at a future date. The purpose of this would be for us to conduct a follow up review, as it may not be in your interests to remain with the initial product recommended.

Data Protection

Information provided by you may be held, processed, disclosed and used by us, our professional advisers and any associated companies servicing our relationship with you. We will hold the personal information provided by you securely and in confidence in our computerised and manual records. By submitting your personal information to us you agree that: any information we hold about you can be held on computer and/or paper files; any information which you give us may be disclosed to selected third parties or group companies for the purpose of administration as permitted by law. Please note that we will not arrange to involve a third party, unless the security and confidentiality of your personal information is assured.

What to do if you have a complaint

If you wish to register a complaint, please contact us:
Write to Compliance Officer Mortgage Market Limited Manor House Farm Jericho Lane East Halton North Lincolnshire DN40 3PZ
...by e-mail: Info@mortgage-market.co.uk (put “complaint” in subject heading)
...by phone: telephone 03331889488
If you cannot settle your complaint, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service. http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/

Client Money

WE DO NOT HANDLE CLIENTS' MONEY. We never accept cash or a cheque made out to us (unless it is in settlement of charges for which we have sent you a bill), nor will we handle cash.


For your protection, we are licensed under the Consumer Credit Act, registered under the Data Protection Act, and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Consumer Credit Act 1974 will only apply to non-regulated mortgages. If the mortgage we arrange for you is a regulated mortgage contract, our advice to you, the information we disclose and any mortgage offer you receive is subject to FCA regulation and you will have the full protection of the Financial Services Act 2012 in our dealings with you. Please be aware that most business mortgages, buy-to-let mortgages, Commercial Finance loans do not fall under the Financial Conduct Authority's umbrella of protection.

Call recording

Telephone calls may be recorded and used for training, or regulatory purposes.


We do not charge a fee for mortgage, or protection advice with recommendations detailed in writing However, if you decide to instruct us to broker, arrange and administer your mortgage application, we do charge a booking for of £150 at application which is non-refundable and a success brokerage fee of £495 for residential mortgages and up to 1% (typically 0.5%) for non-regulated mortgage or finance loans. The brokerage fee is due for payment when we obtain a formal offer of finance facilities from the recommended lender and is non-refundable but you should be aware of the possibility that other taxes or costs relating to the services that we recommend for you may exist even though they are not paid through us, or imposed by us. There are no charges for arranging and administrating insurance contracts.  Where recommended providers pay us a fee for introducing you to them and for taking responsibility for the advice and recommendations and initial administration. we will tell you the amount before you transact any business with us.


English law will be the basis of this contract and the language in which this contract will be interpreted, and in which all communications will be conducted, will be English. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to this Terms of Business.

Internet Privacy Statement

We use independent companies to measure and analyse how people use our website. They use cookies to gather and collate information such as the number of pages viewed on the site, the number of visitors and common ways of arriving at or leaving the site. Doing this enables us to keep our content and navigation fresh and useful. A cookie is a small file which can be saved onto your computer when you visit a website. We use them to monitor visits to areas of our website. Our site-tracking cookies don't contain name or address information, but they do contain a uniquely generated random number so that we differentiate one visitor from another, and the date and time of your last visit to the website. Your web browser lets you turn off both permanent and temporary cookies. However, if you do disable cookies you might not be able to use some of this website.



Mortgage Market Limited is an independent private limited company. Company Registration No. 3758210 with registered offices at Manor House Farm, Jericho Lane, East Halton, Immingham, North Lincolnshire DN40 3PZ. The company is directly regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, Registration No. 305559. Full Consumer Credit License Registration No. 475457 Data Protection Registration No. 24732390

Think carefully before securing debts against your home. Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
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